How to Clean a Stainless Steel Stove? | Tips for a Sparkling Kitchen

Have you recently purchased a stainless gas stove and are worried about How to Clean a Stainless Steel Stove? Don’t worry; in this blog, you’ll find the step-by-step guide to cleaning a stainless gas stove.

Stainless Steel is a classic finish that never goes out of style but can become dingy over time. Here are some ways to keep it looking as good as new:

How to Clean a Stainless Steel Stove?

1. Use a soft cloth to wipe off spills

Cotton is better than paper towels, as it won’t leave any lint behind. To clean stubborn stains, make a paste of baking soda and water. This paste can remove the stains left behind by food. After scrubbing, dry the surface. A baking soda paste can also help. After cleaning, wipe off any excess solution with a soft cloth.

2. Vinegar is a powerful cleaner

Apply it directly to the surface, and repeat as necessary. It works well to remove stains and oil residue. You can also use olive oil, which will leave your stove shiny. If the stains are really deep, you can use a specialist scratch remover. This will remove the deep scratches and leave the surface clean and shiny. When using a cleaning solution, always test on a small area first.

3. Cleaning Solutions

You can use a cleaning solution containing dishwashing soap or bicarb soda for stubborn stains. The detergent will act as a softener than vinegar. Then, dry it thoroughly. After the detergent:

  • Spray vinegar or glass cleaner.
  • Allow it to sit for a few minutes before wiping the stovetop.
  • When rinsing, wipe the surface again with a soft cloth.

4. Apply some Olive Oil

Olive oil is a great option for cleaning stainless steel. It will remove fingerprints and smudges without damaging the surface. Once you’ve used olive oil, you can apply WD-40 to the front of your stove to remove greasy fingerprints. You can also use a soft microfiber cloth to wipe away the residue. If the first two methods don’t work, you can try using a homemade cleaning solution containing dish soap and olive oil.

5. Dishwashing Liquid

Dishwashing liquid mixed with hot water is another good option. Mix the soap with a bit of water and rub the surface. Then, rinse it thoroughly with clean water. Baby oil is another good option to restore the shine of stainless steel. You can also spray club soda on the surface, but make sure to wipe the grain of the metal with a clean microfiber cloth. If all these solutions aren’t effective, use a commercial one.

6. Table Vinegar

Table vinegar is a great way to remove impurities from stainless steel. Use it to clean greasy spots on the stovetop. It will remove both fresh and old greasy stains. Combining table vinegar and citric acid is another good option for cleaning stainless steel. Baking soda can also be used to clean stainless steel surfaces. It’s a universal cleaning tool that cleans anything from glass to gas.

Final Verdicts on How to Clean a Stainless Steel Stove Top?

Remember, How to Clean a Stainless Steel Stove is to avoid cleaning solutions with chloride and ammonia when cleaning stainless steel appliances. These products may contain residues that will damage the stainless steel surface. Never use abrasive cleaning cloths on the surface of stainless steel. If you wipe it against the grain, you may feel resistance. Otherwise, you should notice smooth movement. Then, follow the same procedure for the other side of the stove.

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